Amethyst belongs to the same family of the clear crystal. The amethyst owes its gorgeous purple colors to traces of iron, titanium and manganese. Amethyst can become pale when it gets in contact with sunlight.
Mental- emotional effects
Stimulates harmony and clarity and helps to take necessary distance in matters.
Stimulates calmness in mind and body, helps to find inner peace and provides deeper insights. Amethyst can help to set priorities.
Activates logical thinking and increases passion and creativity.
Amethyst can very well be used to help resolve emotional issues that have been manifested in the body. Amethyst helps to make the underlying pain and sorrow to become lighter in order to be able to accept, process and release.
When Amethyst is used while sleeping (e.g. under pillow) it stimulates intuitive dreaming.
Amethist transfers lower frequency energies into higher frequency energies and as such stimulates the development of the intuition and spiritual skills.
Provides inner balance.
Helps in case of homesickness, grief, fears and anger.
Helps in case of addictions.
Has a purifying effect on the body.
Can be used during meditation to help to get into or to stay in a meditative state.
Creates a light-energy field that can clean and protect the aura or - if large enough- an area/space.
Helps to take responsibility for choices and happiness.
Physical effects
Has a positive effect on headaches, migraines and insomnia.
Has a positive effect on cramps in neck and shoulders.
Stimulates the cleansing organs and the immune system. It cleanses the blood and as such provide relief of physical or emotional pains.
Has a positive effect on stress and burn-out.
Stimulates the production of hormones.
Balances and aligns the endocrine system with the digestive system.
Reduces bruises, injuries and swellings.
Has a positive effect on hearing disorders.
Has a positive effect on lung disorders, skin diseases, cell disorders and digestive diseases.
Regulates the intestinal flora.
Cleanses the aura and transforms negative energy into positive energy.
Has a positive effect on the brains and the central nervous system.
Has a positive effect against hyperventilation.