Improve Sleep
Our Universal Life Force energy can help you to DISSOLVE your SLEEPING ISSUES and as such enable you to restore your body and mind during the night again. Also, the effect of our unique energy is that your brain goes into a deltastate. This deltastate usually occurs during the deep-sleep phase, resulting in a more peaceful sleep (less nightmares, waking up more energized, etc).
Specifically designed to use in your bedroom is our Energy Grid Improve Sleep. We also offer products for more general use: pendants, pockets stones and crystals. They can have a significant impact on your sleep as well. They are available in various different types, shapes and sizes.
“Since I have the Energy Grid in my bedroom, I can SLEEP WITHOUT PROBLEMS. For the first time in 40 years I sleep peacefully, I sleep through the night and I wake up rested. I no longer suffer from anxiety, so I no longer suffer from nightmares. For the first time in my life I don’t have a WINTER DEPRESSION anymore and I no longer have the feeling of fight or flight. I finally feel at peace and balanced again.”
- Eddy
Energy Grid Improve Sleep
This grid consists of the following carefully selected crystals:
Amethyst (Brandenberg), Clear Crystal, Shungite, White Howlite, Rose Quartz, Blue Chalcedony and Lapis Lazuli.
Click here for more information about this grid.
Energy Pendants
We have pendants available for adults and for children. For more info on your type of crystal, click here.
Adult pendants:
- hexagonal double pointer 8 cm x 2 cm (large)
- hexagonal double pointer 6 cm x 1,5 cm (medium)
- hexagonal double pointer 5 cm x 1,2 cm (small)
Children pendants:
- hexagonal double pointer 5 cm x 1,2 cm (small)
- sphere shaped diameter 1,2-1,5 cm
All tops are silver plated. For our advice on usage and maintenance click here.
Energy Pocket Stones
If you want to keep an energized crystal with you at all times but you never wear a neckless, you can choose an Energy Pocket Stone. For more info on your type of crystal, click here.
The size and shape per pocket stone vary a bit, but the average sizes are 40-45*30-35*5-7mm.
For our advice on usage click here.
Energy Crystal
Our Imbizi Energy Collection offers a variety of uniquely charged crystals that can be used for different purposes. The different crystals can be combined for the most optimal effect.
We currently have them available for you in 4 different type of crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Clear Crystal and Snow Quartz. For more info on your type of crystal, click here.
Energy Session
In addition to the various Imbizi Energy Crystals to help you improve your sleep, an Energy Therapy Session can also significantly SUPPORT you in your process.
After a session I am CALM IN MY HEAD again. Normally I lie in bed thinking about all kinds of things, but when I have had a session I don't, then I fall asleep immediately. And I don't wake up in the night anymore.
- Alexia (12 years old)